Welcome to Multi One Apparels

Matching style and class with luxury and comfort.

Since 1990s, We've built a reputation for delivering quality apparel stocks.

Multi One apparels


We source quality stock cloths and apparels like shoes, sweaters, t-shirts, pants and etc. from all over the world.

Based in Canada, we have strong team in Bangladesh for sourcing products, fulfilling orders and ensuring smooth logistic support.

We provide

Quality Assortment

Explore all the latest arrivals of the Stock apparel collections

Years In Business
0 +


Huge collections of products from known faces

Our partner manufacturers are working with name brands from around the world.

Why everyone rely on us

A Known Name in the industry.

Buyers from all over the world trusted us more than a decade! Here are why –

Efficient Logistics

We quickly process huge volumes of incoming and outgoing stock clothes pallets. We boast of our wholesale storage, smartly optimized business processes for receiving, sorting, and shipping of outlet stock clothing goods.Your order will be ready on time!


Our company's foundations are strict quality control on our clothing stock lots and adherence to strong business ethics. Our stock clothing comes from well-known manufacturers.

Expert Guide

Our knowledgeable stock clothes sales representatives will assist you in navigating our wholesale clothing product offerings and making the best possible decision based on your needs and expectations. 


The purchase of stock clothes and wholesale clothing pallets at very competitive prices complements the strict confidentiality terms stipulated in our agreements with our European wholesale stock clothing suppliers.

how we work

Four steps to a new relation

First step


We have wide range of stock lot apparels for you to discover on our website and premises.

Second Step

Price Agreement

We come to a price that will be both a good value for your business and your customers.

Third Step


We complete all the formalities to start processing the order and be on time.

Final Step


Our strong logistic support ensures that your products are received in good hand.

Get our HELP!
Whatever requirement you have regarding stock lot or apparel orders, we are here to help you get it done with peace of mind.
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